I was tagged by Arnold, so here are 8 random things about me:

1. In my youth, I stole stuff. I once led a handful of orgmates steal a huge billboard (unsuccessfully :P). It was late in the evening and we were going around campus posting propaganda materials in bulletin boards. When I spotted the billboard of an elite and coño sorority standing proud and pretty by a college building, I thought how awesome it would be if our student party had one of those. So, I egged on our company: “Nakawin natin to!” They were probably having the same fantasy because seconds later, we were taking down the humongous thing while giggling to our hearts content. Like the Sesame Street ants (or were they bugs?) carrying the family car to the zoo, we looked quite ridiculous lugging around that giant rectangular wood. We had already plodded a block and were about to turn a corner when a security guard suddenly screamed at us to stop. And stop we did. In our most composed nonchalant manner. But then, even if we did manage to act like carting billboards in the middle of the night was regular student fanfare, we were too amateur to quickly offer a reasonable explanation. (To this day, I still can’t think of any). So instead of fumbling through some lousy, flimsy excuse, we readily conceded: “Ibabalik na.”

Around this time, I was also living with a bunch of care-free activist friends. We called our rented two-room bungalow in Cubao “The 15th Avenue Pleasure House”. Then, for a brief period, we were afflicted by a shoplifting bug. Some nights, we’d come home and show-off our loot — a can opener, a ladle or a wonderful book. I suspect we weren’t really doing it for the thrill, though that was definitely part of it. Primarily, we were just damn pissed that things had to be bought.

2. My ideal mate is someone like Sonnyboy, mi hermano. My brother is articulate, funny, physically fit, dresses smart, paints well, knows Taekwondo and Jeet Kun Do, passionate about his legal career and small business, family-oriented, socially-aware, and committed to a spiritual path and practice. Beyond these, I like that him and me are able to be mutually vulnerable to and stable for each other. We have our share of loud arguments, but he is always there – reliable, encouraging, inspiring. So he’s my ideal mate. 🙂

3. Legally Blonde 2 made me cry. Well, the scene where thousands marched in the streets. What can I say? I am nearly always deeply moved by an exhibition of the collective spirit.

4. My college Transcript of Records looks like the template of my life. My first semester as a freshman, I was a University Scholar with a General Weighted Average of 1.25. (Highest is 1.0, lowest is 5.0, passing is 3.0). But most fields in my four-paged transcript were either left ungraded or marked incomplete. A couple of 5s, and one annoying 4 broke the quietness of one particular page. You would think I screwed big time. But then my final subject, a thesis class, screamed a flat 1. Will my life end in similar flourish? :p

5. Am a closet-introvert. Very few believe, but this I insist. 😛

6. Three-fourths of my current wardrobe is from friends. I am one lucky gal for having generous girlfriends who have nice and fashionable clothes my size. I don’t like spending much for clothes because I find them an impractical expense. I also don’t enjoy shopping as I am easily overwhelmed by ten million choices and get exasperated when the political incorrectness of excessive consumerism hits me. So I am just one happy recipient of slightly-used hand-me-downs. If you find me funky or chic, don’t be fooled by my fashion garb! 🙂

7. I am most impulsive and adventurous with my hair. When I think of getting a haircut or a new do, I usually just go ahead and get one. I don’t fret over whether a bob, an apple-cut or layered would suit me or not. I just make a go at it. Because I figure, I won’t ever know what haircut looks good on me unless I see how a haircut looks on me. So I’ve had bob, shaggy, one-length, and a golden streak. Also went bald. This moment, am curly and trying to make a record for my longest hair ever. Now and then, I think of going blonde. That would be freaky with my dark skin, but something tells me it’s worth trying…

8. Am going ga-ga over Cinemanila. For the past four days, been watching an average of two films a night. Used to think life would be terribly boring and awfully tragic without the movies. Still have the same thought. What I especially like about this filmfest is the movies are from various countries (and all guaranteed to be excellent because they’ve been entries or winners in various competitions). It’s like exploring the world in a week. One moment you’re in France, the next hour you’re in Thailand. How wonderful! Tama na to, manonood pa ako 😛

Tagging Eula, Belinda, Maria, Jorvy, Ramil, Maya and James.